EMDR and trauma coaching is $50 per hour.

The cost of an EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) session with a trauma coach or therapist in the U.S. can vary depending on several factors, such as the practitioner’s qualifications, experience, and location. However, typical prices generally fall into the following range

Certified EMDR Therapists:

  • Licensed therapists (psychologists, counselors, social workers) who are EMDR-certified often charge between $100 to $250 per session. The average cost is around $150 to $200 per session.

Trauma Coaches:

  • Trauma coaches who offer EMDR-like techniques (not necessarily licensed therapists) might charge less, often in the range of $75 to $150 per session. However, it’s important to verify the level of training and certification they have in EMDR if they claim to provide it.

Geographical Variation:

  • Costs can vary based on location. In major cities like New York, Los Angeles, or San Francisco, sessions may cost more, even up to $300 per session.
  • In rural or less urban areas, prices are generally lower, around $75 to $150.

Some therapists or coaches may offer sliding scale fees or discounted rates depending on financial need. Also, insurance may cover EMDR sessions if performed by a licensed therapist, though this is less common with trauma coaches.

When you are accepted for EMDR and trauma coaching by me, we commit to 12 one-hour sessions. One per week for 12 weeks.

The package fee is $600 in advance. But I don’t do single sessions when starting. I also do not just accept anyone as a client. We have to meet and have a few online personality tests first. Not everyone qualifies for assistance. I screen all clients for a good match. We can’t get good results otherwise.


  1. Payment online with a credit card — or by snail-mail with cash or check.
  2. You must also attend an online 12-step program (of your choice) during the coaching period at least weekly. I can make suggestions.
  3. You must email me acknowledging that you understand there is no promise or guarantee of certain results. Everyone is different in their readiness for trauma coaching. Your email acknowledgement protects me under the laws and requirements of Washington State.